Thursday, May 3, 2018

Aunt Mila

A friend of mine told me years ago a story about her beloved aunt Mila who was childless. She and her cousins adored her since she was always an aunt who did fun things with the kids.

When she died (aged around 83) her nephews and nieces talked about her. One of them said: "Can you imagine how would it be if she had children of her own?" And all of them replied: "No, it would be horrible... she wouldn't have any time for us."

A friend of mine told me this story when I was in the darkest years of my infertility. I hated the story. And I hated her for telling me this, I found it very selfish.

Now I think this is one of the most beautiful stories I have ever heard.

Sometimes I change the names for the blog. But Aunt Mila's name is her real name.

I have just noticed that I have a new FB request for friendship. I checked and it was my best friend's 12-year-old son. He added first his parents, then two cousins. And the fifth person am I! How cool is that!  I love being an aunt figure also to the kids who are not family.

Other lovely story from few days ago. I visited a coworker of mine, I planned to stay there only for five minutes... she brought me something from work that I needed. She invited me in and also her 7-year-old girl joined us. After few minutes she asked me if she could read a story for me.So she read the entire story ... it was just priceless. The child's mother commented that I have beautiful energy that children love.

This compliment made me think of Dolly Parton who said: "God has a plan for everything. I think it probably was his plan for me not to have kids so everybody's kids could be mine."

And it made me think of aunt Mila.


  1. This is such a beautiful post, Klara. Your first story, about Aunt Mila, is really lovely, and it speaks of the love her nieces and nephews had for her. I can understand it might have been hard to hear, but I'm glad now that you appreciate it and understand it.

    It is similar to my story about Uncle Robin, and my cousin who said of him, "because he didn't have children of his own, he belonged to all of us."

    Also - you have a beautiful energy that everyone loves!

    1. Yes, I remember your uncle Robin. You were lucky to have him!
      Thank you for your kind comment. I love your beautiful energy too <3

  2. Dear Klara, I understand why you didn't like the story at first and why it appeals a lot more to you know. It shows how far you've come on your journey. I think you must be a wonderful aunt figure <3.
    Wishing you a lovely weekend!

  3. There are some people kids just naturally gravitate toward... my dh is one of them and it seems that you are another! I think it's a huge compliment!
